Sequencing test 程序化测试
Test Sequencing 测试定序
test sequencing problem 测试序列问题; 序贯测试问题
test tube test tube brush test tube holder test tube rack 试管
Agglutination test in test tube 试管凝集反应
CHL test Micromucleus test 微核试验
consolidated anisotropically undrained test, CAU-test 各向不等压固结不排水试验
consolidated isotropically undrained test, CIU-test 各向等压固结不排水试验
consolidated undrained triaxial compression test, CU-test 固结不排水三轴压缩试验
consolidated-drained direct shear test, CD-test 固结排水直剪试验; 慢剪试验
consolidated-drained triaxial compression test, CD-test 固结排水三轴压缩试验
constant rate of penetration test, CRP-test 等速贯入试验
constant rate of uplift test, CRU-test 等速上拔试验
continual loading test, CL-test 连续加荷固结试验
crack opening displacement test{COD test} 达朗伯特原理
DC test and AC test 直流测试和交流测试
direct simple shear test, DSS-test 直接单剪试验
endurance test and thermal test 耐久性试验和热试验
External Line Test, Loop Test 环路测试; 外线测试
functional test(black-box test) 功能测试(黑盒测试)